This battery shield is designed to fit the battery location on a HP-41 calculator and protects somewhat the calculator in the event the batteries leak. The shield can only be used with alkaline batteries, it can not be used together with the 82120A rechargeable battery.
The battery shield fits very snugly inside the battery location. To insert it notice the orientation. Place it like in image 1 and slide it in as far as it will go, no pushing. It will go almost but not quite all the way in. You need then to apply a little force as in image 2, the force is applied towards the contacts, not pressing perpendicular on it.
It will slide in quite easily.
To take it away, the reverse: press lightly with a finger on the contact side, the other side will lift. Now push a very little towards the contacts, and lift. It is a very tight fit. The amount of force needed is very small.
The battery compartment, with batteries, will after that be a very tight fit, and greater force will be needed to install or remove batteries. By “greater” I mean you have to push a little, do not imagine something of the level of magnitude capable of bending the plastic.
Here are better images of the shield.
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